
Productivity Institute Scotland Digital Opportunity Survey

Technology has been shown to help improve a firm’s productivity. However, the slow rate of technology adoption across many UK businesses could be impacting their performance. Our colleagues at the Productivity Institute have just launched their Digital Opportunity Survey, which provides organisations with a digital prescription plan to explore how they improve their performance through

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The Cost of Workplace Conflict

In this podcast , Gill Dix, head of policy at Acas, and guest speakers Richard Saundry, from the University of Sheffield and the PrOPEL hub, and Peter Urwin, from the University of Westminster, look at new research commissioned by Acas on the cost of conflict to UK workplaces. Conflict is an inevitable part of life,

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Good Jobs Project 2021

PrOPEL Hub Knowledge Exchange Fellow Dr Helen Fitzhugh shares details of her and colleagues’ research as part of Norwich Business School and in collaboration with Norwich Good Economy Commission to improve the experience of work as employers build back after COVID-19 and shares how firms interested in sharing their experiences can get involved. The Good Jobs

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Measuring Productivity Mini-Series

Boosting productivity is the greatest economic challenge facing the UK.  Productivity is crucial to long-term economic prosperity and household income growth. Yet there is no fully agreed understanding of the factors behind the UK’s ‘productivity puzzle’- the unexplained decline in national productivity in comparison both to historical trends and relative to our key competitors. Within

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Downsizing: maintaining engagement and innovation in the toughest of times

Professor Colin Lindsay of Strathclyde Business School looks at recent evidence on the impact of downsizing on employees, priorities for HR practice and implications for workplace innovation. The UK Government’s furlough arrangements will end in their current form in the coming weeks, and despite additional support being promised by ministers, the latest employer survey data

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