Women in Fintech: an opportunity to enhance gender equality post-pandemic?


October 13


11:00 am - 12:00 pm



The role of home and flexible working post-pandemic in enhancing gender equality in the Fintech sector

The Scottish Centre for Employment Research (SCER), part of Strathclyde Business School, works with organisations from lots of different sectors, including FinTech, to better understand workplace and people management practices and how they impact upon issues such as innovation, engagement and wellbeing.

With many organisations having moved to a work-from-home model, we have been exploring how this shift might impact gender equality in the FinTech sector. We believe that aligning Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategies with workplace and people management practices could be beneficial for everyone involved. However, in order for these benefits to be realised it’s essential firstly, that the focus is not just on home working but rather, on the wider the flexible working agenda and secondly, that the full employee journey is taken into consideration instead of focusing primarily on recruitment.

In this webinar, we will share the insights that have come out of the work we are doing including key considerations organisations and policy makers in the FinTech sector need to take into account in aligning workplace and people management practices with EDI strategies. In particular we will focus on home and flexible working practices that enable all employees, but particularly women, to engage in innovative work behaviours and service centric behaviours essential to the sector.

Speakers will include: researchers from the University of Strathclyde, a senior representative from the FinTech sector and a female business leader from a FinTech organisation based in the UK.

Join us for the opportunity to:

• Understand more about key considerations that organisations and policy makers in the FinTech sector need to take into account to align workplace and people management practices with EDI strategies

• Learn about the business case for EDI – and in particular the impact this has on innovation in the workplace

• Hear from a female business leader in the FinTech sector about their experiences and what they believe the challenges and opportunities are

• Gain insights from a senior industry representative on what needs to change in order to make progress in this area

• Ask questions to our panel and share your own experiences